Mum and dad didn't bring their golf gear, too much of a drag to bring half way across the globe to play a game. But if you don't mind forking out over US$500 to play a round in the Pebble Beach golf links, you probably don't mind buying another set of clubs to play there. Perhaps, one day if they become better at the game, they might go play there. If you just want to marvel at the some of the greens and fairways of these courses, you can get within an eye-shot along the drive or you can actually walk on the vernal lawn right next to the courses. One of the most famous is the 18th hole on the Pebble Beach Golf Links. Wildlife does indeed mix in with the golf courses. You don't see a lot of deers grazing next to a golf course bunker.
You need to combat not only the bunkers, traps and cliffs, playing golf in any of the courses along the 17 Mile Drive, sometimes requires superman's eye sight. Fog often engulfs the whole area making it impossible to tell where your golf ball is even after a perfect tee shot. But this didn't stop all the retirees who were playing at the time. I know they have GPS guided golf-carts, but I didn't know they have GPS guided golf-balls.

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