Next stop - Lake Akan 阿寒湖. The most commercially developed among the three lakes in the area. Before they left the Lake Mashu area, they made a couple more stops along the way.
Iozan 硫黄山, literally sulphur mountain, gave the Kawayu area its ubiquitous bad-egg smell and the wonderful skin softening hot spring, one of the best, if not the best in terms of therapeutic quality among all the ones they have soaked in.
Lake Mashu Soft Ice 摩周湖のあいす - handmade soft ice-cream using the locally produced milk. Perhaps the most creamy ice-cream they had in a region famous for their dairy products. If you ever go to Lake Mashu, you should definitely give it a try.
The town next to Lake Akan is quaint and quiet and the whole place survives off the hundreds of tourists streaming through the town daily. A small stretch of the street is choc-a-bloc full of souvenir shops selling woodcraft.
Self-portrait wooden sculpture |
Beautiful shop - felt like continental Europe |
Foxy band - 狐バンド |
Made famous by the movie 非誠勿擾 (If You Are The One) |
Lake Akan - view from the ferry |
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